Waco, episode six

It’s Day 40 and the psy ops continue outside. Inside folks are stir crazy. Thibodeau is playing the drums and Steve is eating food warmed by a lantern. The women and children are holed up in the freezer which is something of a bunker with the power out.

Day breaks. Noesner is trying to get through but David stopped answering the phone. The radio host is talking about the situation again. He’s got a theology expert on and then takes a call. David and everyone else are listening. It’s one of the cameramen outside. He points out that there is a satellite dish on top of the compound.

He thinks it would be cool if the folks inside could use it to listen to the show and communicate. They are so they do. Next thing Prince knows, some lawyers stroll up saying they represent David and Steve. Prince doesn’t want to but they argue their case and get a chance to go inside.

The lawyers talk to David and Steve though several others listen in. They figure this case is self-defense and the evidence speaks for itself. They want to go for a full acquittal. They leave and David tells them he will be in touch. He and Steve stand on the porch and bask in the fresh air. David sees all of this as a sign.

Noesner’s phone rings. It’s David talking of miracles. He got his sign from God. They are coming out. He wants to transcribe his version of the Seven Seals and then they will come out. Steve looks pleased as punch to hear that but Noesner makes David definitively say that when he is done they will come out.

He hangs up and Noesner goes to tell Prince and Rogers. He points out that David said he didn’t plan to die in the compound. The latter is not happy but Prince is willing to give him the week David asked for so long as he works out the details during that time. Steve announces it to everyone else inside.

They all seem relieved. Noesner, Rogers and Prince talk to the lawyers to go over the terms. Rogers has issues but Prince agrees to the terms. Thibodeau and Michele talk about what they are going to do when they get out. He figures he will go to jail and she tells him that when he gets out she will be waiting to drive him home.

David dictates his manuscript as Judy types it on a typewriter. Prince wants proof. Noesner talks to Steve and says that they need something to show. Steve says he’ll see what he can do but when Noesner goes to relay the message he finds out Prince flew back to DC. Steve tries to get pages from David but ends up getting yelled at.

Prince and Rogers went back to DC. They make a case for the attorney general to be allowed to use tear gas. She asks questions about the kids inside and Rogers tells her that they are still being abusive. She says she will take the case to the president.

Day 50 and they are back in Texas. Rogers is looking at something on a truck and Noesner sees. He checks it and sees the tear gas. He confronts Prince but comes up empty. He calls Steve because he needs pages but Steve just relays David’s message. Noesner starts yelling and Prince cuts the line.

He sends Noesner home. He’s done. Rogers says he had two months but it didn’t work. Prince tells him to leave even after Noesner pleads with him to not use the gas. Noesner gets his stuff and starts to wrap up. He points out that before they showed up the sheriff kept David in line by talking.

The tanks roll through the yard again as David watches. Thibodeau comes to get him because the FBI is on the phone and it sounds important. David takes the call, ready to yell at Noesner and finds out that he was reassigned. He asks the assistant what they want and why they are destroying evidence. He says they want a peaceful resolution but David doesn’t buy it.

It’s Day 51 and the psy ops are still going strong. Steve is asleep but Thibodeau is up. He answers the phone and they ask for Steve. Thibodeau wakes him as Wayne yells about the tanks. The FBI tells Steve that it is tear gas not an assault but Steve says that they had a deal. He pulls the phone out and throws it at the tanks, yelling for everyone to put gas masks on.

Thibodeau and Steve run to tell David. He wants to talk to the FBI but now there is no phone so he tells them where to put everyone. Steve wants to leave though. David thinks this is just a way to contain his message. Walter from the FBI gets on the PA to keep repeating that it is not an assault and the gas is non-lethal.

After running around the compound to find Michele, Thibodeau tracks her down and brings her and her kid to the bunker. He gives them his gas mask. A small fire starts but Steve puts it out. Noesner gets home to find his wife watching the siege on television. Gas continues to pour in as Judy makes her way through the upstairs. She finds Rachel trapped by some debris.

Judy rescues her and relays David’s instructions but Rachel has had enough. She starts leading her kids elsewhere and Judy follows. The men are in the chapel listening to radio. Outside Prince gets word that there are people gathered in the vault where the gas can’t penetrate. He relays it to Prince who orders the tanks to break in there. They do.

David tries to break into the bunker through the debris from the outside while Judy, Rachel and the kids get to the back entrance. Its blocked and they can’t escape that way. Rogers watches and is confused as to why no one is coming out. Women and children start to drop in the bunker.

Noesner and his wife watch. So do Thibodeau and David’s mothers. Prince is watching too and sees a fire start. The men in the chapel see the fire too and Thibodeau takes off running. The women in the vault lay down. Rachel and Judy are still trying to escape but it’s no use. David is crying and sees the tank come into the kitchen.

He gets up and starts walking back through the compound. He passes Thibodeau who runs and jumps out. He is taken into custody yelling for Michele. Noesner outs his head in his hands as he sees the compound go up in flames. Rogers gets to Thibodeau and asks where the kids are. Thibodeau just keeps repeating Michele so he takes off.

Rachel is still trying to get out. She’s dragging her kids toward and opening and screaming. Rogers finds her and tries to pull her through and opening. She tells him that they give up and he keeps yanking her arm and yelling for help. He can’t get her out.

Steve walks through the upstairs and finds David just sitting there. David takes off his mask and nods and Steve shoots him in the head. He starts crying and then puts the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger. The compound burns as agents lead Thibodeau away. Rogers and Prince can do nothing but watch.

Noesner cries. Prince holds a press conference announcing the survivors. Thibodeau’s mother is thrilled to hear his name but immediately comforts David’s mother. The radio host goes on the air explaining that both sides are pointing fingers at the other for starting the fire. He lists several other uses of tear gas that ended in flames.

He points out the FBI knew it could happen and did not have a plan in case it did. Thibodeau gets released from custody and his mom is waiting for him. They hug and cry. In DC, Noesner is at the Capitol to testify. Thibodeau is there too.

They look at each other and Noesner seems to want to say something. He doesn’t though. Thibodeau later goes back to the site. All that’s left standing is the bunker. He walks around and finds the necklace he gave Michele’s daughter for her birthday.

I mean. You can’t really know the specific conversations that happened outside of those involving Thibodeau and even that you have to take with a grain of salt but I feel really bad for Rachel and Judy and those kids if it actually was a case where they were trying to get out and the way was blocked. Overall I thought this was well done, especially because they didn’t actually pick a side as far as the cause of the fire is concerned. I’m glad it was a miniseries because a movie would have been too short but any more episodes would’ve just been dragging it out.

Waco, episode five

It’s Day 9 and Prince is holding a press conference. People ask about the mood in the compound and the possibility of mass suicide. One reporter asks what he thinks it will take to drive the people inside out. He says a sign from God.

Steve is pissed that the FBI cut the power off. He tells Noesner as much and they talk about making progress after the milk exchange. Noesner goes to his boss about getting the power turned on but they don’t seem to be on the same page.

Rachel rummages through the supplies and finds that someone has been drinking while the others get their breakfast. Michele and Thibodeau talk about their parents. Steve and Wayne have been tasked with fixing a busted generator. They know it’s a foolish errand and that’s when the lights come back on. David comes in and gets the tv on. A judge has declared them all unfit parents.

David is agitated and yells at Noesner on the phone about not believing in God and the idea of good parents. Noesner wants him to send more kids out but David won’t do it. Noesner needs another plan. He goes to see the kids and comes up with one. He films the kids and sends the tape in.

One mother sees her youngest son all alone and calls Noesner. She sent three sons out. Why were they separated? The older two had a different father and he came for the kids. She agrees to come out for the sake of her youngest. David is not happy.

Thibodeau’s mother has been living in her car for the last few nights. David’s mother makes a peace-offering. She has space in her room but Thibodeau’s mother blames her. Michele and Thibodeau talk about her daughter’s birthday. He wants to have a party but she is opposed. David will not give his blessing to the woman who is leaving.

He tells her as much. He also tells her to take another guy with her. The other guy has been drinking and failed a test as a result. Rachel gives the mom a hug and the man and woman leave. David stares at the door. He admits to Judy that God isn’t speaking to him anymore.

Day 17. The FBI rolls in a tank and it trounces their cars and the fence. David takes to the phone and talks to Noesner about the tank. He says they aren’t scared of the government. They will fight fire with fire. Noesner goes to Prince and Rogers. He doesn’t like hearing what the FBI is doing from David.

They argue about what the best strategy is. Noesner is adamant about waiting it out but Prince wants an ultimatum. Noesner won’t do it so Prince calls David and does it himself. He gives them till morning. On Day 18 CBS is covering the standoff. Noesner watches it on tv.

Steve thinks everyone should prepare for another attack but Rachel isn’t sure that that it is the right plan. Thibodeau suggests leaving and Steve says it’ll land them in prison. Thibodeau would take that over death. He thinks they need a lawyer which Judy isn’t sure they would get them.

Noesner goes to see Prince about reconsidering the ultimatum. It makes things worse. He gets his open flow of communication. Prince is moving forward with psych ops. Psychological torture to hopefully drive the folks inside out. Noesner calls David and tells him that his friendly advice would be to come out now. David hears him but he’s not coming out.

Thibodeau gives Michele’s daughter a little cake and a drum key to celebrate her birthday. That’s when the psych ops start. The power is cut and spotlights are turned on the compound as well as jungle sounds. Everyone inside crowds around the windows to see what’s happening.

Morning rolls in on Day 20. Most of the kids are sleeping in the hallway. Thibodeau is watching out the window. Prince holds another press conference. He plays dumb on psych ops. Thibodeau’s mom yells at him about talking to her son and tactics. Michele and her daughter are freezing in bed. Thibodeau brings them water and offers to get another blanket.

Michele stops him to tell him that he’s the best. Wayne and Steve are trying to get the generator running. No luck even though Wayne has taken it apart and put it back together twice. Thibodeau goes to see David. He tells him that he doesn’t want to die in the compound.

David says that he wishes that they had more time. He knows that the way things are going they are all “going home.” Thibodeau asks if he can take Michele and her daughter if he leaves. David tells him that he won’t hold his leaving against him but Michele and his daughter are his. He will protect them. He isn’t letting them leave.

The news reports that the FBI fears a mass suicide. Thibodeau’s mother is out of money for gas. She takes David’s mother up on the offer of space in her room. Steve tapes a message from Thibodeau to his mother. He says on the tape that people are counting on him so he has to see this through.

Another night. More spotlights and noise. The mothers try to help their kids but it’s no use. Day 25 dawns and Noesner goes to plead his case with Rogers. He wants to give the people inside a chance to think straight. Rogers isn’t interested. The whole situation just makes the FBI look weak. Rogers is not about to let that happen.

Wayne gets the generator going. It’s only got about 10 minutes of gas but David knows what he wants to do with it. Steve finds a phone and calls someone on the outside. He says that he knows there has been talk on the news of suicide but if they end up dead and that’s the story, it’s a lie.

Prince tells Rogers to cut the music. David has his generator up and running. He’s got 10 minutes and decides to use them by playing music with his band. He’s sending a message and everyone outside hears it loud and clear.

Thibodeau leaves at some point. He must. He wrote the book that this whole thing is based on. I still don’t understand why Steve is staying inside. He knows what this looks like. It’s so frustrating that Prince and Rogers won’t listen to Noesner. Also I feel bad for Thibodeau’s mom.

Waco, episode four

Day 3. The media has all eyes on Waco. Steve has everyone in the chapel. They need to hear from David as to why they aren’t going out yet. On the outside, Noesner is trying to plead his case while Rogers thinks they should force their way in. He gets the all clear to show a little force to get their attention.

David preaches to everyone. He tells them that he is waiting for a sign from God to head outside but anyone interested in leaving is free to go. He talks about being tested and then passes out. Rachel and Steve wake him up back in his quarters and she leaves to get water while after seeing his wound.

Thibodeau is burying the dead in the basement. Michele comes in and puts a cross with her father. She’s broken up about how this is all playing out. He should be buried out front near his tree, not like a piece of garbage.

The FBI brings in a tank. Steve and Wayne see it and Steve talks to Noesner on the phone. He talks about waiting for a sign to leave. Noesner wants some people to come out as a show of good faith but Steve says they aren’t hostages. Folks feel safer on the inside at the moment and they don’t trust the feds. David grabs the phone and points out that it looks like folks on the outside are gearing up for war.

After the call Noesner talks about what they learned, namely about Steve. He was a key recruiter and probably feels responsible. That’s the key. Separate him from David and that will end this thing. Steve and Rachel talk to David. They get the all clear to send some people out so that they aren’t expending as many resources.

Steve also tries to send Judy out for medical attention since her finger is busted up and infected. She would rather cut it off herself. Noesner gets excited but the others don’t think it’s all that impressive. Four people come out and Noesner tries to chat with one of the girls, offers to call her mom but that’s no use. She was killed in the raid.

Thibodeau wants to bury the bodies by the tree but Steve says that it’s out of the question. Noesner heads to the scene the next morning listening to a religion expert on the radio. Just inside the checkpoint he finds Thibodeau’s mother. She wants to talk to her son but he says no. He doesn’t want to let anyone tie up loose ends.

David is fading and Rachel is worried. Noesner calls again and he talks to Steve. He tries to create dissent in the ranks. Steve sees it though and fights back. He trusts and believes in David even now. Rogers’ guys are being jackasses and Noesner sees it. He has a new plan. He films a video to appeal to David and the others about keeping the kids safe.

HRT is flying low helicopters at all hours. It’s keeping everyone up. Judy talks to Rachel about lactating problems. Steve calls Noesner and asks for milk. Noesner talks to his boss about negotiating and gets back to Steve. They can send in milk if a few more kids are sent out. David hears and snarks before hanging up.

Day 6. Steve is at his wit’s end. He snaps at Rachel and Judy and Thibodeau before heading upstairs. Noesner’s eating breakfast and chatting when there is word of movement at the compound. He gets on the phone and finds out from Steve that it is Thibodeau heading out to bury the body. Noesner fights with Rogers about standing down but ultimately he does.

Tony Prince, who is heading the FBI at the scene, holds a press conference and says that David is using the kids as pawns and that they tried to deliver milk. Steve calls Noesner and yells at him about that. They aren’t interested in negotiating anymore so Noesner goes to get the sheriff. He agrees to help out and talks to David. They agree to swap the milk for kids.

Rogers is not happy but Noesner points out that they can bug the milk so it will help him and help tactically. It’s Day 8. Steve goes to see Judy. He wants her to take the baby and head out. David says goodbye to all the kids heading out. Steve asks about Judy going too but David says no. Steve pleads but David does not relent.

It’s time for the exchange. The kids leave. Wayne and Steve walk out to meet Noesner and the sheriff for the milk. Noesner and Steve take a few minutes to talk. They talk about erratic behavior and the choices and power to end this thing. Steve admits that David is awful but he still believes.

Back inside, Steve starts filming David and Rachel. First she talks about her father being killed and then leaves. David talks about defending his family. The FBI watches the tape and then destroys it because it makes him look too normal. Inside, David thanks Steve for handling things while he was down. Then they drink some milk.

Rogers and Prince hear and decide that they have to use force. Noesner leaves for the night and tells Thibodeau’s mom that he’s alive. She heads back to her hotel. David flips through all of the news coverage and Thibodeau makes him stop. His mom is on a channel pleading with him to come out. Then the power is cut. David goes to the window. Rogers is running the show now.

I want to feel bad for Steve but I don’t know if I do or not. Maybe he believed or maybe it was Stockholm Syndrome or something else. I do feel bad for the kids and babies. I also feel like Noesner was on the right track and the others are too pig-headed to see that. There are only two episodes left. I have a feeling they will be brutal.

Waco, episode three

The ATF is rolling in. Women and children head upstairs while the men get their weapons and station themselves around the ground floor. David goes out to try to talk to them but ends up shot before he ducks back inside.

Thibodeau makes sure a door is locked while Wayne calls the sheriff for help. Agents continue to shoot at the compound and move in. An agent yells to the news cameraman to call in for backup. He calls the sheriff who has spoken to Wayne and gets an order for a cease-fire.

The camera spreads word of that while inside Judy shields her newborn and kids duck for cover. David is bleeding pretty badly but manages to move through the building. After the cease-fire, ATF pulls out. There are casualties on the inside too, including a woman.

Noesner is on the treadmill when his pager goes off. He goes outside and finds Rogers waiting for him. They don’t speak, just drive away. Steve finds Judy bleeding. He tells her that this what people do to keep the truth from spreading.

David talks to the sheriff who tries to get a handle on what happened but he just talks about the Bible. The siege makes the news and Thibodeau’s mother sees it.

Rachel tries to put pressure on David’s wounds while Steve and Wayne update on what they’ve found. Steve wants to bring in paramedics but Wayne thinks it’s a bad idea. They start to argue and David gets pissed and kicks them out.

When he’s alone, he calls his mother and tells her that he’s dying and that he loves her. A man approaches the compound and finds the road closed. He tells the officers that his wife and kids are inside but they don’t care.

David goes to visit with another man who has been shot. While he’s there, someone looks out the window and sees the man, Mike, approaching on foot. He’s hiding behind a car when the agents shoot him. He returns fire and then they move in on him.

Noesner and Rogers get to Waco and Noesner finds out right away that he doesn’t have much pull. Jacob aka Rodriguez talks to his boss about the raid and his warning. He is adamant that they were not arming up when he left.

Wayne and the team talk about what their options are. There is no way to avoid arrest and charges. They could take the kids if it comes to that. Thibodeau wants to know who they have left to call. David knows who. He calls into the local radio station.

The FBI folks hear it and that speeds up the process. They cut the line and Noesner calls in and talks to David. He tries to establish a rapport and find out how to get David out. They strike a deal. If Noesner can get the higher ups to allow David to broadcast his message on national tv, then he will peacefully surrender.

Steve brings everyone together and tells them about the deal. He advises everyone to pack up because he figures they will leave in the morning. Noesner goes to see Rodriguez for the particulars of what happened because both sides seem to trust him. Rodriguez tells him that when the confusion started, the tape went missing.

Noesner hears another agent promise his wife he will be home soon. He tells him not to do that until he’s on his way home. David is recording his message when he hears something. He finds everyone chatting and it bothers him. He yells at them and tells them that they should be mourning.

Before he can get any further Thibodeau interrupts. David is needed upstairs with Barry so he goes up and prays. Barry just wants it to stop and when David steps out someone shoots Barry.

Thibodeau’s mother pulls into Waco. She gets to the ATF headquarters and finds another woman waiting. She introduces herself and it turns out the other woman is David’s mother. She steps away and then the press conference starts. The ATF thinks Rodriguez was compromised and the FBI plays David’s tape.

After the nearly hour long audio, pundits rip on David and he is visibly pissed. Rodriguez confronts his boss who tells him he brought this on himself. On Day 3, Noesner calls David to go over the procedures for everyone coming out. David is not interested in that anymore. He says God spoke to him. No one is coming out.

I’m not sure if I love or hate the fact that they used real news footage during the shootout. I think I like it. I also feel bad for Steve the most. He seems like the most level-headed guy and just wants this to be over. Thibodeau’s mother too but that’s different.

Waco, episode two

There’s a man watching Mount Carmel and taking pictures. He freaks out when he sees folks approaching. It’s David, Thibodeau and Steve and they come bearing pizza and beer as a welcome present. The man, Jacob, says he moved in because he’s a rancher. David keeps chatting with him and invites him over. When all is said and done, David knows one thing. Jacob is not a rancher.

In DC, Noesner is still pissy about the HRT funding. He thinks investments should be made in negotiation training. His boss doesn’t agree. David has a meeting to discuss what to do about Jacob and his team. Many of them think it’s not safe to let them in but Judy agrees with David.

Noesner talks about filing a complaint because what happened at Ruby Ridge isn’t sitting well with him. In David’s office, folks are talking about what could be construed as illegal. They figure they are safe on the gun front but the idea of Michelle having children with David won’t sit well.

Either she isn’t old enough to consent, or they are married and he’s a polygamist. Wayne comes up with a plan. Thibodeau will marry Michelle. Afterward Michelle is less than pleased. She blames Rachel for having a dream that god demanded she be David’s second wife. She didn’t get a choice and now she has it again.

Jacob heads to the house with information from a defector about where the guns are. ATF is already planning a raid and coordination with the press for maximum coverage. David gets to the house and finds that it’s time for evening Bible study.

As everyone files into the chapel he takes the opportunity to creep around upstairs. Rachel catches him in the hall of the women’s quarters and tells him that she will lead him to the chapel. David preaches about being tested mind, body and spirit.

The service is interrupted as Rachel and Jacob make their way in. After they are settled, David picks up where he left off. Someone broke a rule and needs to be punished. He leads everyone into the kitchen and goes into the walk in freezer, where all the guns are stashed, and pulls out a tub of ice cream. Someone snuck in and ate some. It was his son and David makes him eat some.

It’s a joke but Jacob was panicked. Afterward they take a walk around the property and talk about religion and family. Jacob leaves and David goes back inside and has sex with Rachel. He stops though because he was starting to enjoy himself. They talk about Jacob being from Child Services. Rachel is concerned about him taking the kids.

ATF is moving forward with the plan and they want Jacob to step up his game to find evidence of the guns. Wayne ran the plates. All of the cars at the neighbors’ house are registered to feds in Houston. This can’t be good but David isn’t listening. Steve and Wayne don’t want to take the chance but David thinks he can turn Jacob.

Thibodeau calls his mother, probably to tell her about his impending marriage, but he says that he might come visit. She tells him she respects that he found something there but he should hold on to a piece of himself too. He goes and talks to Michelle. She thanks him for all he’s doing for them before Judy comes in with the dress Michelle will wear.

While Michelle is out of the room, Rachel tells Judy to stand down and follow her lead when speaking to David. Rogers confronts Noesner about his complaint. They argue about the direction of the agency.

Michelle and Thibodeau get married and Jacob attends. During the reception, David and Jacob talk about being friends and not being shy. David draws everyone’s attention to Jacob and they all want to be his friend so David tells him to let loose.

Noesner gets home and he’s sloppy. His wife is concerned and gets him to talk. He tells her a story about how he got a guy killed and felt nothing about it at all. Wayne tells Jacob the story of how he joined up with David. Then David talks about Jacob’s faith before confronting him about having a gun.

After the reception Thibodeau walks Michelle to her room. She tells him it was the best day she ever had and he tells her it was the same for him. That’s when David turns up. He thanks Thibodeau for what he did for the family and then tells him he can’t be in the women’s quarters… as he leads Michelle into his room.

A story about David and Mount Carmel is on the front page of the local paper. ATF is pissed. They decide it’s time to gear up. A news truck breaks down and flags down a van as it goes by. He needs directions to Mount Carmel. The van driver asks why and thats when a station wagon of ATF agents goes by. Van man peels out after them.

Jacob is photographing the house while his partner reads the story about David out loud. Jacob defends him until a boss comes in and says they are moving in and Jacob needs to go make sure it’s a surprise. He heads to the house and tries to make small talk with David. David gets pulled away though because the van man is there and he warns David about the agents suited up and en route.

David goes back and confronts Jacob. He tells him that he knows what they are really about and that the article is lies. He says that Jacob has the power to stop this but Jacob runs instead. He gets back to his house and tries to call it off but his boss hangs up on him. Steve tells his wife that there are cops coming in case she wants to put things together. Jacob tries to stop the caravan by yelling at them on the road. It’s too late.

I’m like really surprised that two of the six episodes were before the seige. That being said, I love the pacing. This show is fascinating and I want to read Thibodeau’s book now. Noesner is the best part. He’s the only one that sees how this will play out.

Waco, episode one

ATF agents are rolling in. SUVs and helicopters approach the compound outside Waco, Texas on Feb. 28, 1993. David Koresh watches from a window. He thinks they are coming for him and orders all the women and children to go upstairs.

The agents call showtime and start to move in, armed and wearing protective gear. David says that he wants to try to talk about it. He goes outside with his hands up and asks the feds to hold fire. They yell for him to get on the ground.

Nine months earlier. David is in bed with his wife. His son wakes him up and they go outside and run. He criticizes the kid’s technique but the kid just snarks back. They get back to the house and he starts preaching to the folks at Mount Carmel.

He feels joy. That doesn’t come from having things but rather from being more than you are today. He tells them to open the Bible. Meanwhile, training is underway for the FBI crisis negotiation team. The instructor tells them that they need to slow things down. Class is dismissed and the teacher, Gary Noesner, is given a briefing on Ruby Ridge.

They want him out there. Already on the ground is Rich Rogers from the HRT of the FBI. He coordinates with ATF on the case and makes sure they get a perimeter blocked off, with ATF signs so the FBI can steer clear of this mess.

Back in Texas, David stops Wayne Martin and Steve Schneider before they head to a gun show in Austin. He tells them to try to sell the vests the women made and points out that there are a lot of lost souls at the gun shows. Before Steve pulls out, his wife comes out and tells him she’s pregnant. He doesn’t say anything, just leaves.

Out at Ruby Ridge, Rogers orders snipers to shoot on Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris if there is a shot. He tries and misses but manages to hit the wife, Vicki Weaver. There are protests as Noesner arrives. Rogers is ready for a full on assault but Noesner wants to try to talk to him first.

Steve seems annoyed with David. Wayne tells David it’s because his wife is pregnant. That makes David smile. David’s got a gig and the drummer didn’t show. He ends up recruiting a guy at the bar, David Thibodeau. After the show, they talk about their childhoods. David brings up scripture but Thibodeau isn’t into it.

They keep talking and Thibodeau is heading back to LA. David invites him to stay at Mount Carmel even though its a mess. Steve is back at the house packing up. He is pissed that he and his wife tried to have a baby for ten years to no avail but David gets her pregnant real quick.

He wants to leave but he’s leaving her behind. She’s mad at him. He talks of sacrifice but she is the sacrifice. Maybe the baby is a miracle. David comes back with Thibodeau and Steve is going to stay.

David gives Thibodeau the rundown on the place as he walks through. He introduces Thibodeau to the family and asks Michelle Jones to make up a bed for him. His wife Rachel Koresh calls David over to see the Ruby Ridge coverage on the news.

Noesner approaches the house and tries to talk to Weaver. He talks a bit and Weaver tells him that the sniper killed his wife. Noesner reports back to Rogers with this information.

Thibodeau gets set up in Steve’s room. He tries to make small talk but gets nowhere at first. After a few minutes of quiet Steve gives in and talks about meeting David and how he was convinced to follow him.

Rogers wants to rush things but Noesner has a plan. He brings in an anti-government guy named Beau to appeal to Weaver. It works. Weaver comes out and the FBI takes him into custody.

Six months later. Folks are protesting in DC and DOJ is pining Ruby Ridge on ATF. They are not happy about that. Thibodeau is still hanging out in Waco. Steve’s wife is about ready to pop and Michelle wants Thibodeau to stay.

In DC, Noesner complains to his boss that Rogers should be getting investigated not a pat on the back. His boss thanks him for stopping by. David and Thibodeau talk about what the latter is doing. David tells him they don’t let tourists stay. He tells Thibodeau that if he is in he has to be celibate. Sex is a burden so David carries it for them all as a means to procreate.

Chuck Sarabyn at the ATF hears about a big weapons shipment to a religious group in Texas. Informants have said there is a stockpile of weapons and possible child abuse. In light of the shadow of Ruby Ridge, Sarabyn rushes to get observation up and running.

Steve’s wife, Judy, has the baby. She and Steve are happy about it. David comes in and ruins their moment. Noesner finds out that HRT is getting $10 million. The Bureau is militarizing and he is not pleased. He tells his wife as much.

Thibodeau feeds the dogs while David runs with his son Cyrus. They get to the end of the driveway and sees that someone has moved into the vacant house across the street.

I liked this. I liked the pacing and the fact that it was easy to follow even though it was bouncing around three different stories. I like that they touched on Ruby Ridge and how people felt about that. Did the ATF think that Waco would be a way to improve their image? I don’t know. The cast did pretty well here. I feel like I know all of them from other stuff but I wasn’t distracted by that.